
Abstract Cross-presenting CD8-+ conventional dendritic cells (cDCs) are important for the eradication of cancers and viral infections due to their ability to induce cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses. Cross presenting DCs are a very rare subset and in the past, studies of these cells have been limited by their scarcity of specific cell surface markers. Therefore, methods for the detection and isolation of these cells were commonly based on a multitude of immunophenotypic criteria, such as the expression of CD11c and CD8- and the absence of CD3, CD4, SIRP-- and CD11b. Recently, it was demonstrated that crosspresenting cDCs in lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues specifically express XCR1, which correlates with the ability to take up and cross-present exogenous antigens. Combining our recombinant REAfinity™ Anti-XCR1 mouse mAb with MACS® Technology based on UltraPure MicroBeads, we developed a new method for the fast and easy isolation of cross-presenting DCs. Using this method XCR1+ DCs can be routinely enriched with high recovery and purity without the need for time-consuming laborious flow sorting. This will facilitate the study of cross-presenting DC subset, which will ultimately help to develop new therapeutic strategies employing DCs in the future.

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