
Fast ignition is a new ignition scheme which is expected to provide higher fusion gain than the conventional central hot spark ignition. The report starts with the comparison of gain curves for the fast ignition (which is called off-center ignition) and that for the central hot spark ignition. By the use of a two dimensional hydrodynamic code with alpha heating, the two ignition schemes are studied to find the ignition conditions. After the ignition, a nuclear burning wave is seen to propagate through the cold main fuel with a velocity of 2 3x108cm/sec. The spark energy required for the off-center ignition is 2-3kJ and 10-15kJ for the core density of 400g/cm3 and 200g/cm3, respectively. It is demonstrated that a core gain higher than 2000 is possible for a core energy of 100kJ with a hot spark energy of 13kJ. The requirement for the heating time is discussed.

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