
This paper presents an energy-based approach that models the distinct wrinkle shapes to represent the different material properties of non-rigid objects at an interactive speed. Our approach is a curve driven technique, where the surface wrinkles are generated by deforming the given mesh surface according to the shape change of a governing curve on the surface. An energy function is defined on the governing curve to indicate flexure properties. By minimizing the energy function, our approach offers the ability to mimic desirable and pleasing wrinkle shapes corresponding to the given material properties. We then propagate the wrinkle shape of the governing curve on the given mesh surface in the influence region. The final surface wrinkles interpolate the governing curve and are attenuated while they gradually move close to the boundary of the influence region to achieve the smoothness. Consequently, this results in the fast manipulation for complex wrinkle shapes with material properties. The most common problem of physically based simulation, the speed bottleneck, is avoided in our approach. In one word, our approach provides an efficient and useful interactive tool to model realistic wrinkles on non-rigid objects.

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