
Rapid product development needn't cost more or hurt quality, as this commercial example demonstrates. OVERVIEW: Speed, quality and innovation in product development are often viewed as mutually exclusive goals. In the highly competitive environment of?the nineties, time to market with new products can make or break companies. Yet, the rapid development of high-quality, highly innovative, sophisticated systems has been an elusive goal for many Under these premises, to gain a competitive edge, one must use a practical and effective approach to systems development that improves on the old paradigms of qualitv; speed and innovation. Fast Cycle Time (FCT) techniques translated into a common-sense approach to product development can be the ticket to achieving this very desirable condition. Following a set oJ practical FCT guidelines can effectively help complete development of innovative systems in record time without compromising quality Fast Cycle Time (FCT) has been defined as the ongoing ability to identify, satisfy and be paid for meeting customer needs faster than anyone else (]). FCT product development is rapidly becoming a common sight on the landscape of global industry and a major competitive focus as most companies realize that quality alone is not enough to remain competitive. The ability to rapidly, effectively and continuously introduce quality products that meet customer needs will be the mark of the most successful companies now and in the future. Peter Senge introduced the concept of organizational learning in The Fifth Discipline (2). We learn from this book that companies considering FCT should not attempt to decrease cycle time by simply demanding shorter development schedules or doubling the speed of current work. This common trap will yield twice as many mistakes in the same amount of time, or short-lived successes that cannot be repeated. Instead, an ongoing ability, obtained through continual organizational learning, is preferable over single event capability and will result in long-lasting effectiveness. Organizational learning is important because it requires that a company integrate what it learns on a long-term basis. Organizational learning as an integral part of FCT fosters organizational agility and a gradual reduction in mistakes. FCT success rests on a company's ability to redesign its organization into multifunctional teams, with highly visible and measurable timelines, streamlined processes and employee accountability. In brief, the old methods of product development and production do not work within the FCT paradigm. Unfortunately, many companies still believe that increased development speed necessarily yields lower-quality products. As I show in this article, however, this belief is no longer valid. Sanofi Diagnostics Pasteur (SDP)-a Chaska, Minnesota-based company that develops, manufactures and markets in vitro human diagnostics tests and systems-was able to achieve not only fast product development, but high quality and innovation in the commercialization of an automated immunoassay system. More Accurate, Sensitive Results Diagnostic testing by immunoassay is a method of detecting human diseases that relies on an antibody/antigen reaction (Figure 1). Compared to other forms of clinical testing, immunoassays provide more accurate and sensitive results with smaller samples (blood, serum, tissue). Moreover, automated immunoassay systems enable technologists to increase the volume and variety of tests they can conduct. Today, health care cost containment pressures are forcing laboratories to consolidate, increasing the volume of tests each laboratory performs and creating a need for additional and faster automation. SDP has long been a major provider of a diverse diagnostics product line which utilizes a variety of formats comprising immunoassays for endocrinology, allergy, autoimmune disorders, cardiology, proteins, blood viruses, and infectious diseases. …

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