
Rhodanese domains are abundant structural modules that catalyze the transfer of a sulfur atom from thiolsulfates to cyanide via formation of a covalent persulfide intermediate that is bound to an essential conserved cysteine residue. In this study, the three-dimensional structure of the rhodanese domain of YgaP from Escherichia coli was determined using solution NMR. A typical rhodanese domain fold was observed, as expected from the high homology with the catalytic domain of other sulfur transferases. The initial sulfur-transfer step and formation of the rhodanese persulfide intermediate were monitored by addition of sodium thiosulfate using two-dimensional 1H–15N correlation spectroscopy. Discrete sharp signals were observed upon substrate addition, indicting fast exchange between sulfur-free and persulfide-intermediate forms. Residues exhibiting pronounced chemical shift changes were mapped to the structure, and included both substrate binding and surrounding residues.

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