
Great progress has been made in deep learning image reconstruction, but there are still problems that need to be improved, such as the extraction of image texture details and the improvement of the overall contour quality of the image, and how to reduce the transmission cost is also the focus of research. This paper proposes a fast bilateral network suitable for both grayscale and color image reconstruction. In the compression network, bilinear interpolation, fully connected layer and convolutional neural network are selected for image compression. The reconstruction network is divided into two parts: the texture path and contour path, the former reconstructs the remaining texture details of the image, and the latter performs deep contour reconstruction. The bilateral complementary residual connection method transfers the texture information to the contour path and improves the contour quality, and the improvement of the contour quality can improve the learning of texture details. Through a large number of data tests, it shows that the network in this paper has achieved comparable or better results in terms of image reconstruction quality, time-consuming and robustness against noise. It solves the problem of memory consumption for storing a large number of images, and also provides convenience for shortening space and time during image transmission.

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