
Many questions concerning a zero-dimensional polynomial system can be reduced to linear algebra operations in the quotient algebra A=k[X 1 ,…,X n ]/ℐ, where ℐ is the ideal generated by the input system. Assuming that the multiplicative structure of the algebra A is (partly) known, we address the question of speeding up the linear algebra phase for the computation of minimal polynomials and rational parametrizations in A. We present new formulæ for the rational parametrizations, extending those of Rouillier, and algorithms extending ideas introduced by Shoup in the univariate case. Our approach is based on the A-module structure of the dual space $\widehat{A}$ . An important feature of our algorithms is that we do not require $\widehat{A}$ to be free and of rank 1. The complexity of our algorithms for computing the minimal polynomial and the rational parametrizations are O(2 nD 5/2 ) and O(n2 nD 5/2 ) respectively, where D is the dimension of A. For fixed n, this is better than algorithms based on linear algebra except when the complexity of the available matrix product has exponent less than 5/2.

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