
A spin system is a framework in which the vertices of a graph are assigned spins from a finite set. The interactions between neighbouring spins give rise to weights, so a spin assignment can also be viewed as a weighted graph homomorphism. The problem of approximating the partition function (the aggregate weight of spin assignments) or of sampling from the resulting probability distribution is typically intractable for general graphs. In this work, we consider arbitrary spin systems on bipartite expander Δ-regular graphs, including the canonical class of bipartite random Δ-regular graphs. We develop fast approximate sampling and counting algorithms for general spin systems whenever the degree and the spectral gap of the graph are sufficiently large. Roughly, this guarantees that the spin system is in the so-called low-temperature regime. Our approach generalises the techniques of Jenssen et al. and Chen et al. by showing that typical configurations on bipartite expanders correspond to “bicliques” of the spin system; then, using suitable polymer models, we show how to sample such configurations and approximate the partition function in Õ( n 2 ) time, where n is the size of the graph.


  • Spin systems are general frameworks that encompass sampling and counting problems in computer science, graph homomorphism problems in combinatorics, and phase transition phenomena in statistical physics

  • We provide algorithms for general spin systems on bounded-degree bipartite expander graphs

  • A q-spin system is specified by a set of spins [q] = {1, 2, . . . , q} and a symmetric interaction matrix H

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Spin systems are general frameworks that encompass sampling and counting problems in computer science, graph homomorphism problems in combinatorics, and phase transition phenomena in statistical physics. We provide algorithms for general spin systems on bounded-degree bipartite expander graphs. 37:2 Fast Algorithms for General Spin Systems on Bipartite Expanders some parameter β > 0 and off-diagonal entries equal to 1; the case q = 2 is the Ising model, and q > 2 is the Potts model. While we know constant factor estimates of the partition function via (non-algorithmic) probabilistic methods that hold with probability 1 − o(1) over the choice of the graph [14], it is not known how to approximately sample from the Gibbs distribution efficiently. 4, there is a randomised algorithm such that the following holds with high probability over the choice of a random ∆-regular bipartite graph G with n = |VG0| = |VG1|. Since our results concern regular graphs, they extend to models with external fields – the fields can be incorporated in the entries of the interaction matrix H

Proof Outline
Bipartite Expander Graphs
Ground states for spin configurations
Using polymer models to estimate the partition function
Abstract polymer models
Algorithms for polymer models
Polymer model for spin systems
Sampling from the polymer model
Proof of Theorem 3
Full Text
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