
The purpose of this study is to find out how fashion involvement affects positive emotions and hedonism to impulsive buying consumer fashion products in the context of shopping. By using a fashion involvement model, this research was developed to explore the factors that have an impact on impulsive buying by positive emotions and hedonism. The model was tested through questionnaires from 85 respondents who had been shopping at Zara Bali. The analysis used is outter model and inner model which result obtained through PLS program. The results of the study found that fashion involvement, positive emotions and hedonism have a positive effect on impulsive buying. The implications of this study bring fashion involvement to contribute to positive emotions and hedonism to impulsive buying. The theoretical implications of this study are expected to serve as relevant study materials and add a reference to the variables studied. The practical implications obtained that the results of this study is expected to be a consideration in determining the company's marketing strategy.
 Keywords: fashion involvement; positive emotion; hedonism; impulsive buying.


  • The purpose of this study is to find out how fashion involvement affects positive emotions and hedonism to impulsive buying consumer fashion products in the context of shopping

  • Konsumen sering distimulasi oleh pebisnis agar melakukan pembelian impulsif

  • Pengaruh Fashion Involvement Terhadap Impulse Buying Behaviour Masyarakat Surabaya Dengan Hedonic Shopping Motivation Dan Positive Emotion Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Merek Zara

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Jumlah Orang

Data diatas menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 23 responden adalah pria, dan 62 responden adalah wanita. Usia responden didominasi dengan responden berusia 18-25 sebanyak 50 orang, 26-33 sebanyak 25 responden, 34 sampai 41 sebanyak 4 responden dan yang berusia diatas 41 sebanyak 5 responden. Hal ini berarti ratarata responden terbanyak berasal dari golongan berumur 18-25. Pekerjaan responden terbanyak berasal dari kalangan pelajar / mahasiswa sebanyak 32 responden, pegawai swasta sebanyak responden, pegawai negeri sebanyak 6 responden, wiraswasta berjumlah responden, dan lainnya sejumlah 11 responden. Anggaran belanja responden per sekali belanja dari 500.000,- kebawah sebanyak 16 responden, 600.000 - 1.200.000 sebanyak 48 responden, 1.300.000 - 1.600.000 sebanyak 15 responden dan diatas dari 1.700.000 sebanyak 6 responden. Dan frekuensi belanja responden dalam 3 bulan terakhir yang berjumlah 1 kali sebanyak 15 responden, 2 sampai 4 kali sebanyak 46 responden dan diatas 5 kali sebanyak 24 responden

Impulsive Buying
Keterangan Realibel Realibel Realibel
Hedonisme Impulsive Buying
Composite Reability
Korelasi antar Variabel Laten
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