
The object of this research is fashion design as one of the new directions in design. Design is constantly developing due to broadening of its area of application and people demonstrate new ideas and demands. The subject of this research is the conceptual-terminological apparatus of fashion design. The author reveals the content of the new concept of “fashion design” that reflects vast proliferation of design activity generated by fashion, including costume design, fashion magazines, magazine covers, fashion illustrations, fashion albums, advertising of fashionable brands, etc. The foal of research consists in systematization of sketchy theoretical data on fashion design as a new trend of design. The scientific novelty consists in interpretation of the term “fashion design” and determination of its role within the structure of contemporary design. The conducted research allows identifying close connection of this concept with costume design and graphic design. The presented materials can be used in teaching professional disciplines of “Graphic Fashion Design” and “Project Design” to graphic designers and fashion designers. The research results found application in educational process of future designers in Kemerovo State Institute of Culture.  

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