
Due to the current situation in all over the world, online shopping industry has grown up and fulfilling the needs and requirements of consumers. To understand consumer behavior and their intention in online fashion retail industry with having uncertain situations, marketers and different brands have great opportunity to learn attitude and behavior of potential audience. The paper represents some of the factors that assist in learning their behavior so that brands can increase their sales and helps them in improving their weak points. Fashion consciousness, celebrity endorsement, social influence, time pressure, behavioral intention and purchasing behavior are the factors involved in online shopping. The model was validated using structural equation modeling, and a two-step approach to evaluate the measurement and structural models for the research. The research uses theory of planned behavior to match the conceptual framework with the help of hypothesis and literature review. Closed-ended questions were used in the study to get responses from general public and university students. Furthermore, the study collected data through online and offline with total sample of 208 responses. This paper uses graphical representative that interpret and clarify each questions answers and their ratio of all the participants of the university students. The results shown that time pressure is relatively more effective towards behavioral intention in regards with online shopping as compare to celebrity endorsement and social influence. However, fashion consciousness is very crucial because as per the graphical representation it has a great influence on consumer behavior. The examination results give recommendations to for competitive marketing strategies for online fashion retail organizations working in the developing business sectors. The current investigation utilizes theory of planned behavior to find fundamental connection between the factors

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