
Today the Black Forest is an internationally renowned tourist region in Germany. For centuries the Black Forest remained as a low mountain range regarded as not suitable for settlement due to its unfavourable climatic conditions and difficult terrain. Clearing the dense forests and settlement therefore started at a historically late stage compared to other regions of Germany, about 1000 years ago. Due to the special conditions in this area, the structure of the settlement had to be quite different to those landscapes with more favourable conditions for agriculture. A single-farm settlement developed, farms situated 200 to 400 m away from each other, surrounded by meadows, agricultural land and forests and owned by the farmer’s family. This structure has remained in some areas until today; in other areas different types of settlement took place, and great changes occurred during history. A special type of agroforestry — a slash-and-burn-management of forests — also took place 150 to 200 years ago.

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