
Although potential exists, milk production in the Red River Delta (RRD) has met only less than 5 percent of the estimated demand for local consumption. The study thus conducted to unravel the underlying constraints. The specific objectives are (1) to examine farming and dairy production systems in the study areas and (2) to identify the factors affecting output of raw milk. These results were based on the data collected from 90 households in Hanoi and Hatay provinces. Descriptive statistics and production function analyses were used as the principal methods for data analysis. The findings show that although dairy farm was small in size, it was still a major component of the farrning system. Feeding practice and raising costs were found to vary by breeds and households. Farmers could benefit from raising cows, but their net returns were only moderate. Lack of fodder, incidence of disease problem and low price of raw milk compared to input prices were main obstacles for extending the dairy farm size. The results of regression analysis indicate that farmers still can increase their milk output by using more some inputs (i.e. concentrated feed, fodder, Iabor). The findings suggest that credit institutes should consider providing low and long-term loans to dairy farmers. Local leaders ought to pay attention on zoning of grass production and processing waste of dairy farms. In addition, the improvement of veterinary and milk collection networks at the raising zones is also very necessary. . If the prices of milk and respective inputs are unchanged, the major productivity improvement must be rely heavily on raising high percentage HF blood cows (i.e. 314HF blood cows) and improving feed production.

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