
Studies in Africa have shown that saving, using, exchanging and selling farm-saved seed is the main channel through which farmers access seed and planting material. Moreover, these saving and related practices are recognised in international law, mainly through the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Plant Treaty), which many African countries have ratified. These practices are also recognised by, inter alia, obligations at the national level to protect traditional knowledge relevant to seeds and planting material. The standard being employed in developing plant variety protection (PVP) mechanisms in Africa, as with elsewhere in the world, is the 1991 revision of the Convention of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV, 1991). This Convention has, since its inception, been developed with reference to developed-world farming practices. This article looks at how farmers’ rights are enshrined in Africa’s legal frameworks, and the extent to which the current process of developing regional PVP systems on the continent is taking farmers’ rights into account. The article then makes recommendations on how a balance can be struck between farmers’ and breeders’ rights, while still complying with the UPOV 1991 framework.


  • Seeds are a carrier of genetic information that is often associated with traditional or scientific knowledge

  • Advances that professional plant breeders have made in developing planting material that is able to overcome biotic and abiotic stress have brought about the idea to protect plant varieties through intellectual property rights (IPRs), plant breeders’ rights, known as plant variety protection (PVP)

  • While a number of countries not party to the UPOV Convention, in both Africa and Asia, have taken steps to create a bridge between access to and protection of plant varieties,9 in this article we focus on some provisions within UPOV 1991 itself that could potentially act as such a bridge

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Seeds are a carrier of genetic information that is often associated with traditional or scientific knowledge.

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