
It is a bibliographic work that aims to obtain a “Pharmaceutical Look” at the work of García Márquez. It relates medicinal or associated plants, some medicinal and pharmaceutical aspects, with literary works that appear in a representative sample of the author’s novels, including One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Times of Cholera. These novels take place in imaginary or real places in Colombia in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th. Plant remedies and to a lesser extent chemical and animal remedies have been found. For each of them, observations and interpretations medical, social and histórical, have been made that value the pharmacy and medicinal plants, which the author has used as resources to build the novels, regardless of whether they have a scientific basis or not. For this they are accompanied by textual literary texts. In conclusion, we highlight the masterful way in which García uses these resources and we recommend their reading or re-reading, also taking into account that at the same time it can be done from a pharmaceutical point of view.

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