
Tonight the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) will apprehend 2,500 aliens who are illegally in the United States. Perhaps twice that number will elude La Migra, the name used by the Mexicans, who comprise 90% of all apprehensions, to describe the Border Patrol. This cat-and-mouse game is played along the border every day, yielding almost 1 million apprehensions and perhaps 2 million illegal entries into the United States each year. Many aliens are apprehended several times, and others come to the United States only for seasonal jobs; but the INS estimates that the stock of illegal aliens is increasing by 500,000 persons annually. Illegal immigration is a major unresolved national dilemma. Despite five blue ribbon studies and Senate passage (81-18) of the Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1982 (S.2222/H.R.6514) on 17 August 1982, most observers believe that immigration reform will continue to be blocked in Congress. One reason immigration is so difficult to reform is that there is little logical and relevant immigration research available to dispel myths and to guide policy makers toward a consensus.

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