
Oral malador, is called bad breath or halitosis, is a general term used to describe an offensive odor emanating from oral cavity. Oral maldor has many etiologies and is a clinical problem for many people. Patients with halitosis may seek treatment from dental clinicians for their perceived oral malodor. Although halitosis is generally attached to a social handicap which is related to poor oral hygiene or disease of the oral cavity, it may also indicated to a serious systemic illness. These systemic illness induce metabolic products that are detectable as oral smells. People, has oral malador, look up to expert physicians for diagonsis and treatment. It is always easy to recognize oral malador, but identifying the exact cause is very compleks. Therefore traetment of oral malador is directed at the underlying cause. In this review the etiology, diagnosis and treatment methods of oral malador has been explained

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