
The parameter (γ) which determines the effect of an applied magnetic field (B) on shallow impurity states is the ratio of the zero point cyclotron energy (l/2ħeB)/m* to the binding energy of the impurity (13.6 m*/mɛ2) where m* is the effective mass and ɛ the dielectric constant. The shallow donors in InSb have been used as a model system for investigating high field effects because of the ability to prepare high-purity samples relatively easily, the low effective mass, and a spherical conduction band which avoids the theoretical complexity of anisotropic bands. The parameter γ is equal to unity at a field of 0.2T and at about this field a metal-insulator phase transition occurs at liquid helium temperatures in high-purity material. At higher fields, sharp transitions between impurity levels can be observed spectroscopically in the far-infrared region of the spectrum and values of γ of about 100 can be achieved in steady fields available in the laboratory [1]. The only situation where such high effective fields are found with completely free electrons is close to the surface of collapsed stars where γ values of 1000 (=108T) can be found near to pulsars [2].

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