
BACKGROUND: Living in Russias Far North contributes to pronounced natural and social characteristics that exert an unfavorable influence on the human functional state.
 AIM: This study assessed medical, physiological, and social factors determining the body functional state in northerners of different age groups.
 METHODS: The research involved male residents of Magadan region, Caucasians by origin: 156 young men aged 1721 (18.50.6) years, 56 men of the working age of 3445 (37.40.5) years, and 45 elderly men aged 6077 (65.91.1) years. The participants somatometric variables were measured. The functioning of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, insulin resistance, as well as the levels of blood biochemistry, vitamin D, trace element, and basal metabolism were assessed. The subjective tobacco smoking and motor activity rates were also analyzed.
 RESULTS: We can conclude that the body systemic functioning is increasingly stressed out with age. The sampled people exhibited higher incidence of arterial hypertension, which was rated in total by subjective systolic and diastolic blood pressure, with the incidence growing with increasing age, from 49% in younger subjects to 108% in older men; more common insulin resistance, from 13% in the youth to 50% in the elderly; elevated blood glucose level which was ranging (29%, 30%, 43% with age, respectively); and deviation of the atherogenicity coefficient rising from 9% to 55%60% with increasing age. We also observed the same dependence of bronchial obstruction variables on age: from 19% incidence among younger subjects to 71% and 74% in middle-aged and older men, respectfully, with impaired respiratory functioning and consistently high levels (40%59%) of reported tobacco consumption.
 CONCLUSION: The developed matrices illustrate the worsening observed in subjective functional reserves and increasing intensity occurred in body systems of examinees as they grow from ontogenesis of the youth to the elderly.

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