
Dual-polarimetric (i.e., HH and VV) scattering responses at X- and C-bands from indigenously designed far-field bistatic specular (bi-spec) scatterometer acquired over the entire rice crop phenology have been analyzed using a modified parametric radiative transfer model (MRTM). The scattering responses are examined over a wide-ranging bi-spec incidence angle varying from 20° to 60° at 10° intervals. Furthermore, optimization of the bi-spec scatterometer system showed high sensitivity at 40° specular angle of incidence based on the correlation analysis between the measured value of bi-spec scattering coefficient (σMeasured0) and vegetation biophysical parameters such as leaf area index (LAI) and plant water content (PWC). The MRTM implied to investigate the dominance of surface (σSurface0) and vegetation(σVegetation0) specular scattering components within the total value of simulated bi-spec scattering coefficient (σSimulated0) in forward scattering alignment (FSA) convention. The vegetation phase function (VPF) and a bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) are parameterized to approximate scattering responses from the vegetation volume layer and the surface beneath vegetation. In addition, empirical frequency-specific parameters (i.e., b1and b2) are used to simulate temporal dynamics of σSimulated0 using a linear relationship between vegetation optical depth (VOD) with LAI and PWC. The model and empirical frequency-specific parameters are calibrated using a constrained non-linear least square optimization algorithm, and the results are validated against the value of σMeasured0. According to the simulation findings, the total specular scattering decomposition offers a robust model for interpreting time-series microwave scattering scenarios through vegetation in the FSA convention. Moreover, as compared to C-band, the inverse modeling of MRTM showed high retrieval accuracies of LAI at VV polarization and PWC at HH polarization for the X-band.

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