
Objective: To seize the meaning of family that permeates the practice of nurses, physicians and dentists of the Family Health Strategy. Methods: This was a qualitative descriptive study, conducted between July and August 2012 in four Primary Family Health Centers located in the four zones of the city of Mossoro, RN. For data collection, we carried out semi-structured interviews with 24 professionals. Data underwent content analysis. Results: We found that nurses and dentists had completed their undergraduate studies for a longer period than physicians. Both have spent more time working within the Strategy and are mostly specialized in the area. All respondents had difficulties conceptualizing family, with their speech revealing vague conceptual aspects that do not sustain an effective health care. However, professionals recognize that a health-oriented approach to the physical, social and economic needs, not only of the individual, but also of all his family, has greater potential compared to traditional approaches. Conclusion: The concepts of family that permeate the practice of the professionals assessed are vague and do not support effective actions to promote family health. These concepts are often presented with a prejudice load that leads to disbelief in working with models of specific families that are not within the patterns of structured family understood by those professionals.


  • Results: We found that nurses and dentists had completed their undergraduate studies for a longer period than physicians

  • Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2003;37(1):[19-25]

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Artigo Original

Objetivo: Apreender o significado de família que permeia a prática de enfermeiros, médicos e dentistas da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Resultados: Constatou-se que enfermeiros e dentistas são graduados há mais tempo que os médicos. Todos os profissionais entrevistados apresentaram dificuldades em conceituar família, trazendo em suas falas aspectos conceituais vagos que não dão esteio a uma atenção à saúde efetiva. Os profissionais reconhecem que uma abordagem em saúde voltada às necessidades físicas, sociais e econômicas, não só do indivíduo, mas de toda a sua família, apresenta maiores potencialidades se comparada às abordagens tradicionais. Conclusão: Os conceitos de família que permeiam a prática dos profissionais estudados são vagos e não dão suporte a ações reais de promoção à saúde da família.

Significado de família
Perfil dos profissionais
Conceito de família que permeia a Estratégia Saúde da Família
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