
Globalizations of family members make it challenging for the care of other members when far away separated from each other. Existing systems for personal electrical health information is available. However, sharing health information is still facing massive barriers due to various factors, such as security, privacy concerns, efficiency, and regulations on health information sharing. To address these challenges and provide better care to family members, we have developed the Family HealthVault, which is a database application system for sharing and managing personal health information (PHI) among family groups. The HealthVault allows users to save, store, check, update, and share their PHI with trusted group members. The system emphasizes the convenience group care with a friendly user interface. It provides a convenient tool to monitor their family members’ PHI, check on their potential risk factors, and receive alerts for the upcoming health-related events through automated health alerts of their family members. The Family HealthVault system is built with RShiny framework and MySQL Database Server. It has also integrated several preventative care repositories to provide alerts on health conditions. By developing Family HealthVault, we present a PHI management system with role-based access control and security controls. Our system can serve as a prototype for PHI sharing platform and care coordination.

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