
So far hardly any instruments are available for the German-speaking countries, covering family relations from the perspective of young people reliably. Moreover, the relationship between family relations from the perspective of young people and behavioral problems has been rarely investigated. Based on the Family Relations Test, which has been developed originally for children, the Family Relations Test for Children and Adolescents was developed in order to assess the family relations from the perspective of adolescents (94 items, 44 % newly developed). A clinical sample (n = 152) and a field sample (n = 132) was tested with this instrument and additionally behavioural problems of the adolescents were rated by the parents and the adolescents. The two-factor solution of the principal component analysis resulted in a clear distinction between two factors describing positive and negative family relations. The internal consistencies (Cronbach's Alpha) of the scales describing positive and negative relations are between .91 and .93. On these total scores young people from the clinic sample describe overall stronger negative relations in their families compared to young people in the field sample. Within the clinic sample moderate correlations between the extent of mental problems of young people rated by themselves and their parents could be found. Positive and negative relationships of young people to the individual family members and to all members of the family as a whole can be assessed reliably and factorially valid. As expected, significant correlations between negative family relations and mental problems could be found. The adolescent version of the Family Relations Test for Children and Adolescents proves to be a useful tool, to assess family relationships from the perspective of young people and thus to identify possible factors maintaining mental disorders of young people.

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