
The paper is based on the data from a small-scale qualitative research study inspired and informed by David Morgan?s concept of family practices as ?doing families?. The paper presents exploratory qualitative analysis of ?family stories?, written by the respondents during the two periods of COVID-19 pandemic in Serbia. Our initial intention was to explore changes in family practices and time induced by changed everyday life related to the pandemic within a particular context of Serbian society. From over 130 essays solicited by a public call and snowball sampling in April and May, we selected 28 and asked the respondents to write the second essay in December 2020. Following sections presenting the social context, conceptual framework and method of the study, we introduce qualitative data analysis and interpretation of the two topics. The first deals with family practices that family members do together, which we named ?common family practices? that take place within ?family time?. The second is dedicated to the boundaries and balancing between ?individual time? for individual activities, particularly work at home, and family practices in general, such as parenting, home-schooling, domestic chores, etc. The paper aims to contribute to development of the concept of family practices in sociology of family life by its twofold contextualization: within the social, cultural and institutional context of Serbia, as well as within the changing context related to ongoing pandemic.

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