
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes on contributorsMaurizio Ambrosini is professor of Sociology of Migration at the University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences, and chargé d’enseignement at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France). He is the editor of the journal “Mondi Migranti” and the scientific responsible of the Centre Medì – Migrations in the Mediterranean, of Genoa and of the Italian Summer School of Sociology of Migrations. His main interests cover immigrants’ labour market, ethnic entrepreneurship, migration policies. He is the author of more than 150 books, articles, essays in these fields, published in different languages. His handbook, Sociologia delle migrazioni, is adopted as the textbook in many Italian universities. His recent international publications include the book Irregular Migration and Invisible Welfare, Palgrave, 2013; and several articles, published in “Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies”, “Ethnic and Racial Studies”, “Journal of international migration and integration”, “European Journal of Migration and Law”, “International Review of Sociology”, “Migration Letters”, “Revue européenne des Migrations Internationales”, “Migraciones”.Paola Bonizzoni is a Lecturer in the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan, where she teaches Sociology. She’s carrying out research on migrant citizenship and migration policies with a specific focus on the effects of migration law on gender and intergenerational relationships in immigrant families. She has recently published work on transnational family life, care-work reconciliation, immigrant youth’s experiences of migration and immigrant mothers’ support networks. Her recent publications include Immigrant Working Mothers Reconciling Work and Childcare: the Experience of Latin American and Eastern European Women in Milan. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 21(2), 194–217 (2014).Professor Anna Triandafyllidou directs the Cutural Pluralism Research Area within the Global Governance Programme, of the European University Institute (Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies - RSCAS). Before joining the Programme, she was part time professor at the RSCAS (2010–2012). During the period 2004–2012, she was Senior Fellow at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) in Athens where she headed a successful migration research team. She is Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges (since 2002), and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. Her recent books include Circular Migration Between Europe and its Neighbourhood: Choice or Necessity? (2013, Oxford University Press), European Immigration: A Sourcebook (2014, Ashgate, 2nd edition).

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