
In her seminal review paper describing major events affecting family life and sex education during turbulent sixties, Somerville (1971a) accurately predicts that the issue of who shall teach will undoubtedly persist well into 1970's (p. 28). At present time a number of groups including home economists, health educators, sociologists, and social science educators, are attempting at a national level to develop curricula in area of family life education. The Center for Family, American Home Economics Association, for example, is developing a national curriculum guide, 5th through 12th grade, in family living. After setbacks of 1960's at hands of anti-sex education groups, family life education appears to be entering into a new era of development. The national Parent Teachers Association, for example, is advocating that parenting education be a part of curricula in nation's secondary schools. Another indicator of new trend in family life education is recent reactivation of Committee on Standards and Certification by Education Section of National Council on Family Relations, under direction of Richard Kerckhoff of Purdue University. The goals of Committee are to improve professional standards and to develop a specific set of competencies for family life

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