
Modern geopolitical conditions combined with the sanctions cause an objective need to search for internal economic mechanisms capable of both leveling the consequences of an unprecedented economic impact on Russia and acting as a support for its further socio-economic development; therefore, the appeal to the study of family entrepreneurship seems justified. At the same time , its relevance is due to the following reasons: 1) the socialization of the economy and law; 2) the social component of entrepreneurship; 3) the development of social entrepreneurship; 4) state family policy. The subject of this work is family entrepreneurship - a complex intersectoral institution that combines the norms of family and business law. In the course of the study, the author draws attention to the consideration of the following issues: 1) the relevance of family entrepreneurship; 2) the main essential features of family entrepreneurship; 3) the need for legislative consolidation of family entrepreneurship as a special legal regime for the activities of a certain category of subjects. The research uses general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, a systematic approach; special legal methods. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were made. The constitutive feature of family entrepreneurship is the family-legal ties that develop between family members; other features also include: 1) the similarity of institutional forms of family entrepreneurship with small business; 2) the implementation of entrepreneurial activity, including to achieve a social positive effect; 3) the axiological component of family entrepreneurship. Consideration of family entrepreneurship as a special legal regime for the activities of a certain category of subjects allows for variability, represented by two directions. The first is civilistic, where there is no need to allocate a special legal regime for the activities of a certain category of subjects, and the second is social, in which the understanding of family entrepreneurship as a family value leads to its isolation as one of the special legal regimes for the activities of certain categories of subjects. The latter option is preferable.

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