
The objective of this article is to expose the main results of the investigation "Family context, gender roles and school performance of the students of Secondary Education in Manizales - Colombia", which sought to establish the relationships of the family gender roles of middle school students from five public education educational institutions in Manizales, Colombia, and their school performance in the period 2020, analyzing the variables related to family activities and how they influence school performance, and from a gender approach how these activities condition roles that will or will not have variations in said performance, through a quantitative methodology, for a non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational study. The study was applied to a sample of eleventh grade students from five public education institutions in the central area of ​​the city. A socioeconomic - cultural questionnaire and family activities according to gender were used as instruments; in addition to the results of the Colombian standardized test Icfes Saber 11 in mathematics and language.

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