
Family Constellations are an emerging therapeutic approach for working with local and non-local consciousness. First developed by German psychoanalyst Bert Hellinger, and now practiced by thousands of licensed and un-licensed facilitators globally, Family Constellations are a transpersonal and systemically oriented therapeutic process. Their aim is to address a focus client's emotional, behavioral, relational, or somatic issues by uncovering and resolving transgenerational entanglements within their family system. The author expands on the proposal of symbiogenesis as a mediator of local and non-local consciousness to query whether applying the Observer Effect to inherited trauma may influence epigenetic marks. An expanded perspective on consciousness, life, death, and quantum fields may provide a more comprehensive framework to address therapeutic interventions for common emotional and behavioral disorders. Innovative features of Family Constellations are its phenomenological orientation, reference to family system entanglements, and potential for symptom relief through cellular mediation of ancestral memory. Family Constellations utilize techniques called representative perception and tuning-in to identify and release ancestral traumas. These are akin to remote viewing and mediumship. While the scientific basis for Family Constellations is speculative, the text references research on the quantum theory of consciousness, mediumship and remote viewing as potential supporting evidence. Four case studies are presented.

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