
Abstract Admission of a sick or preterm newborn to the neonatal unit can be an extremely stressful experience for both the infant and family. Parent-infant interaction may be considerably hampered. This interaction is, however recognized to be vital and confers a range of benefits to parents and babies and contributes to the physical, emotional and social well-being of both. Developmental care consists of a large range of medical and nursing interventions that help to reduce the stress of preterm infants in neonatal units and allow optimal neurobehavioral development of the infant. Family-Centred and Family Integrated Care practices promote parental participation in the care of their infant on NICU whilst recognizing them as integral members of the care team and primary decision-makers for their infant. Established historical practices and beliefs can present as challenges to the implementation and sustenance of family-centred and developmental care. We review these challenges in order to develop strategies to successfully implement this important aspect of neonatal care.

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