
Abstract Background: Cancer caregivers are more likely to report clinically significant symptoms of insomnia than patients with cancer and the general population, yet research has been limited regarding cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) among this population. Methods: To better understand cancer caregivers' engagement with and benefit from CBT-I, cancer caregivers were enrolled in a nonrandomized pilot feasibility trial of an evidence-based Internet-delivered insomnia program. Thirteen caregivers completed mixed-methods assessments before receiving the insomnia program and after the nine-week intervention period. Results: Compared with the five caregivers who did not complete any intervention Cores, the eight caregivers who completed at least one of the intervention Cores tended to report more sleep impairment (insomnia symptom severity; minutes of sleep onset latency and wake after sleep onset), less physical and emotional strain from caregiving, and less maladaptive sleep beliefs at the baseline assessment. These caregivers who used the program also showed large improvements in their insomnia symptoms. Caregivers' qualitative feedback about their experience with the program identified potential areas that might be modified to improve caregivers' engagement with and benefit from Internet-delivered insomnia programs. Conclusions: Findings suggest that family cancer caregivers can use and benefit from a fully automated Internet-delivered CBT-I program, even without caregiving-specific tailoring. Further rigorous research is needed to better understand whether and how program modifications may allow more caregivers to initiate and engage with this program.

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