
The organic geochemistry of 35 crude oils from six oil fields across the Cangdong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, was characterized and an oil family classification was carried out for the first time. Four oil families were classified based on 18 parameters related to source and depositional environment using hierarchical cluster analysis. The families have broadly similar geochemical characteristics which suggest oils derived from lacustrine source rocks deposited in a reducing environment. Family A has relatively abundant C27 steranes and C30 4α-methyl-24-ethylcholestanes, high Pr/Ph, C22/C21 tricyclic terpane and C31R/C30 hopane ratios, and low ETR, C26/C25 tricyclic terpane and C35S/C34S homohopane ratios. Family A shows higher thermal maturity than families C and D, but lower than family B. The most distinct feature for Family B is the high gammacerane index; they also show slightly higher C22/C21 tricyclic terpane, C31R/C30 hopane and C29/C30 hopane, lower dibenzothiophene/phenanthrene, and higher maturity than the other families. Families C and D oils are low maturity and they are more similar to each other than families A and B based on most biomarker ratios. However, family C can be distinguished from family D by slightly higher C27/C29 steranes and C30 4Me/C29 steranes C30 4α-methyl-24-ethylcholestanes/C29 steranes, and lower C29 steranes/C30 hopane ratios. A preliminary oil–source rock correlation suggests that the oil families originated from various intervals having different organofacies within the second member of the Kongdian Formation. Family A is more widespread than the other families, supporting extensive distribution of the source rock. Family B was only found in the southern part of Kongdong slope, which suggests limited geographical distribution of the related source rock. Families C and D show similar geographical distributions and dominate Wangguantun, Shenjiapu and Shenvsi fields, suggesting that the source kitchens are near these regions.

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