
AbstractThe past 10 years have seen a plethora of research on trust in online interactions. In the late 90s, the issue was whether people would be willing to trust the Internet enough to order and enter their credit card details online. Most of the academic research and commercial advice published then focused on ’how to increase user trust online’ by making websites ’user friendly’ and having a ’personal touch’ e.g. in the form of photos of company staff. Unfortunately, much this advice on how to make your Internet presence trustworthy is now being used by perpetrators of phishing scams, who are using the latest ’trustworthy UI design techniques’ to trick users into revealing authentication credentials and other personal data. A key trust issue that has emerged with the huge popularity of social networking is users’ voluntary (and sometimes ill-judged) disclosure of personal information, and accidental sharing of that data by applications and other users.KeywordsOnline EnvironmentOnline InteractionOnline TransactionMusic TrackMusic FestivalThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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