
Summary Tinea capitis is uncommon in the Cukurova region of Turkey. The most common clinical form is tinea capitis superficialis, and the most frequent causative agent is Trichophyton violaceum . This study presented the results of a screening performed at the family background of a kerion Celsi case in Adana, Turkey, with the aim of determining the infection source and the route of transmission. Tinea capitis superficialis was detected in the two siblings of the index case, with tinea faciei in one sibling. It was also detected in two children who were playmates of the siblings in the Mersin province. Microsporum canis was isolated in all of the cases. However, we did not have access to animals in order to obtain fungi for determining the actual source of infection. In conclusion, this study presented an outbreak of M. canis in a family, with clinical presentations different from kerion Celsi, tinea capitis superficialis and tinea faciei.

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