
We evaluated the characteristic clinical features of one family of familial amyotrophic sclerosis (FALS) with a His46Arg mutation in the enzyme Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1). Codon 46 encodes the binding site for copper and the His46Arg mutation may result in decreased copper binding and copper toxicity. The disease duration of this family was 17.8±13.2 years (mean±S.D.) with the age at onset being 42.9±4.7 years old (mean±S.D.). The initial sign was distal weakness of the unilateral lower limb, extending to the other lower limb. An autopsy was performed on a 62-year-old female member of the family who had the mutation. Her disease duration was 23 years, and she died of tonsillar herniation caused by metastasis of colon cancer in the cerebellum. Neuropathological findings showed marked loss of large anterior horn cells and very mild degeneration of corticospinal tracts as well as posterior columns. The number of nuclei of Clark's column was reduced. Lewy body-like hyaline inclusion bodies (LBHIs) were frequently seen in the remaining anterior horn cells. Astrocytic hyaline inclusions (Ast-HIs) were also seen. This is the first autopsy report of FALS with a His46Arg mutation presenting neuronal LBHIs and Ast-HIs. The formation of LBHIs and Ast-HIs may be dependent on the phenotype of the preferential lower motor neuron involvement in FALS with a SOD mutation and long disease duration.

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