
The family is one of the most basic, yet important gifts that God has given us. The Christian family constitutes a specific revelation on the interior life of God in the Divine Trinity and realization of ecclesial communion, and for this reason it can and should be called the domestic Church, agent and object of the work of evangelization in service to the Kingdom of God.
 This article presents an evolution of the concept of domestic Church and tries to indicate its future perspectives. It highlights the many deep ties that bind the Church and the Christian family and establish the family as a domestic Church - “Church in miniature”, so that in its own way the family is a living image/icon and historical representation of the mystery of Church.The little domestic Church, like the greater Church, needs to be constantly and intensely evangelized, which becomes the shared responsibility of all God’s people, each according to his ministry and charism. Without the joyous testimony of married people and families, domestic churches, proclamation, even if done in its proper way, risks being misunderstood or lost in a flurry of words that is characteristic of society today. Catholic families today can build up their own domestic churches and strive to be “islands of Christian life in an unbelieving world” (Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica 1992, 1655).It should be emphasized that the Church's pastoral intervention in support of the family is an urgent matter. Every effort should be made to strengthen and develop pastoral care for the family, which should be treated as a real matter of priority, in the certainty that future evangelization depends largely on the domestic Church (Giovanni Paolo II. 1981, 65).

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