
The location of Fallujah, sitting on land and river transport routes, coupled with its proximity to Baghdad, contributed to its expansion at the end of the nineteenth century. The increase in population drew it to the attention of the Ottoman Empire. Formerly a village in the region of Saqlawiya, after the Ottomans constructed a large wooden bridge in 1885, it became the metropolitan centre for the region. At this time, the Ottomans also increaseds the size of their gharrison at Fallujah, to protect their burgeoning trade routes, especially those with Bagdhad. The city also gained a motor vessel to allow it to transport goods and military equipment to Baghdad. This study considers these developments, and also dicusses the Ottoman policies of pacification and subjugation with regards to the Arab tribes living in villages around Fallujah, ranging from taxation and military force to peace-keeping mediation to prevent inter-tribal conflicts.
 Keywords: Administration Side, Military Force, Ottoman State, Fallujah, Arabian Treble

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