
We propose a vision-based fall detection algorithm using advanced deep learning models and fusion methods for smart safety management systems. By detecting falls through visual cues, it is possible to leverage existing surveillance cameras, thus minimizing the need for extensive additional equipment. Consequently, we developed a cost-effective fall detection system. The proposed system consists of four modules: object detection, pose estimation, action recognition, and result fusion. Constructing the fall detection system involved the utilization of state-of-the-art (SOTA) models. In the fusion module, we experimented with various approaches, including voting, maximum, averaging, and probabilistic fusion. Notably, we observed a significant performance improvement with the use of probabilistic fusion. We employed the HAR-UP dataset to demonstrate this enhancement, achieving an average 0.84% increase in accuracy compared to the baseline, which did not incorporate fusion methods. By applying our proposed time-level ensemble and skeleton-based fall detection approach, coupled with the use of enhanced object detection and pose estimation modules, we substantially improved the robustness and accuracy of the system, particularly for fall detection in challenging scenarios.

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