
Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), el gusano cogollero (FAW) es una plaga de cultivos con mas de 80 especies hospedadoras que causan graves danos a los cereales de maiz. El gusano cogollero, originario de la region tropical y subtropical de America, se ha extendido rapidamente por todo el mundo. Las larvas y los adultos del gusano cogollero danan las hojas jovenes, los verticilos de las hojas, las borlas o las mazorcas del maiz. Bajo una fuerte infestacion de gusano cogollero se produce una perdida de rendimiento del 50-80% en la cosecha de maiz. Esta plaga es capaz de reproducirse, migrar y alimentarse rapidamente de una gran variedad de plantas hospedantes, lo que dificulta su seguimiento. Sin embargo, hay varias medidas de control reportadas en varios paises. El manejo integrado de plagas (cultural, quimico y biologico) se usa ampliamente para controlar esta plaga. Debido a que la plaga se ha vuelto resistente a muchos insecticidas, no se recomienda su uso en las etapas iniciales de la infestacion. Pero, la ultima opcion para este manejo de plagas seriamente infestadas es el uso de pesticidas por debajo del umbral economico. Esta revision se centra en la distribucion de insectos, la biologia, el dano del maiz y las posibles estrategias para su manejo.


  • Maize (Zea mays) is one of the world’s major cereal crops because of its high importance as a staple food and its stover need for animal feed and fuel (Abebe et al, 2017)

  • Studies have shown that less than 1% of the total area planted with maize had been affected in China but there is an increasing risk that Fall Armyworm (FAW) could spread to various parts of China (FAO, 2019)

  • Some of the farmers in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, adopted climatesmart-push-pull technique which showed the depletion of FAW larvae by 82.7% per plant and subsequently plant damage reduced by 86.7% per plot (Khan et al, 2018)

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Maize (Zea mays) is one of the world’s major cereal crops because of its high importance as a staple food and its stover need for animal feed and fuel (Abebe et al, 2017). Fall armyworm (FAW) is considered as the most important and devastating insect pest causing severe damage to maize crops (Ayala et al, 2013). It is a noctuid moth pest native to America’s tropical and subtropical areas (Luginbill, 1928; Pogue, 2002; Early et al, 2018). FAW is a polyphagous insect with several hosts species (Roger et al, 2017) and has the ability to cause severe famine since its hosts are the main staple food crops (Daily Nation, 2018) It results in loss of photosynthetic area, slower or impaired reproduction, grain damage, structural damages, and lodging of the maize plant (Chimweta et al, 2019). Shrestha Peruvian Journal of Agronomy 4(3): 121–133 (2020)

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