
Analysis of disability status of population aged 15 years and above in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam(NAD) has the objective to further depict disability status and related factors in NAD post tsunami. Thestudy used data from Post Tsunami Regional Health Survey (Surkesda) NAD 2006 and National SocioeconomicSurvey (Susenas) 2005 (Core), included 13.227 respondent. The questions on disability (WHODAS-II), adapting concept oflCF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health),were included in Surkesda NAD 2006. Disability status was rated based on responses to 12 questions ofWHO-DASII. This study used principal component analysis method inorder to measure disability score.Then, logistic regression method was used to determine risk factors of disability. There are variousfactors influencing disability status in NAD post tsunami, i. e., age, gender, education, history of chronicdiseases, economic status, and living areas (urban/rural or with(out) conflict history). Disability wasmore prevalent for older age groups than younger age groups. Female respondents rated their healthworse than male respondents. Low educated respondent had higher risk of disability compared torespondent with higher education. The risk of disability was also related to chronic diseases experienced by respondent, those with chronic diseases tended to be disable than those without chronicdiseases. Disability was also experienced more by those with impoverished economic status, or lived inrural area. Sustaining the Primary Health Service for elderly especially to prevent the chronic diseaseswas the essential thing to be done. Keyword: disability; post tsunami Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD); age 15 years and above

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