
Anemia in pregnant women is a health problem associated with a high incidence and complications that can arise both in pregnant women and their fetuses. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of anemia in the third trimester of pregnancy in the Mapane Community Health Center. This study uses analytic survey method with cross sectional design. The population in this study was 3rd trimester pregnant women in the Mapane Community Health Center. The sample in this study were 39 people, the technique of determining the sample in total sampling. The results found 36 people (92.3%) of respondents who experienced mild anemia, mothers aged 20-35 years 29 people (96.7), high school education 14 people (100%), multigravida 28 people (93.3%), primacy parity category of 8 people (100%), Economy above 13 people UMK (100%) and consumption of Fe tablets not compliant 2 people (100%). The results of the bivariate chi-square test that there is no significant relationship between maternal age with the incidence of anemia (p = 0.062), there is no significant relationship between education and the incidence of anemia (p = 0.491), there is no significant relationship between gravida and the incidence anemia (p = 0.661), there was no significant relationship between parity and anemia (p = 0.784), there was no significant relationship between the economy and anemia (p = 0.202), there was no significant relationship between consumption of Fe tablets with the incidence anemia (p = 0.675). So it can be concluded that there is no significant relationship between age, education, gravida, parity, economy and consumption of Fe teablet with the incidence of anemia in pregnant women.

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