
Background – Competent teachers can produce quality education. The problem that exists is the number of teachers in schools who lack motivation, this is due to the low enthusiasm of teachers when teaching in several schools. In addition, teacher workloads that exceed the limit and lack of training to improve teacher skills also lead to a lack of teacher motivation. The solution is the need to increase work motivation from both extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Purpose – To find out the influence of instristic and extraneous factors moderated work motivation on teacher performance. Design/Methodology/Approach - This research method uses a causality research design. The population of the study was 86 junior high school teachers in Poncokusumo District. With the research sample 46 SMP teachers who have been certified. The approach used is quantitative with Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). Result and Discussion - The results of data analysis state: (1) intrinsic factors affect teacher performance, (2) extrinsic factors affect teacher performance, and (3) moderated intrinsic and extrinsic factors affect teacher performance. Conclusion – The results of this study are the intrinsic and extrinsic factors which are moderated by motivation have a significant effect on performance. Motivation strengthens the relationship between intrinsic and external factors on teacher performance in junior high schools in Poncokusumo sub-district. Research Implications - This research has implications for the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors as well as motivation as moderation on teacher performance


  • To find out the influence of instristic and extraneous factors moderated work motivation on teacher performance

  • The approach used is quantitative with Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA)

  • IMPLIKASI PENELITIAN Penelitian ini dapat memberikan rujukan dalam mengidentifikasi pengaruh dari factor instrinsik dan ekstrinsik serta motivasi yang dapat memperkuat kedua factor tersebut baik instrinsik dan ekstrinsik sehingga kinerja dapat menjadi meningkat

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Kepuasan kerja

Tingkat kepuasan setiap orang berbedabeda dan hal ini terjadi individu memiliki dimensi yang berbeda. Menurut Hasibuan (2002) dan Robbins (2006) kepuasan kerja seorang pegawai dapat dilihat dari menyenangi pekerjaannya, mencintai pekerjaanya, moral kerja positif, disiplin kerja dan prestasi kerja. 2. Tanggung jawab Menurut Shaw (2018), Tanggung jawab ialah orang yang bertanggungjawab terhadap tindakannya serta dapat bertanggungjawab atas perbuatannya dan mengambil keputusan serta bertindak tanpa tekanan dari pihak manapun atau secara bebas. Faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi tanggung jawab seorang Guru (professional) antara lain, tanggung jawab sosial, moral dan spiritual serta pribadi. Dan pembimbing yang membantu dalam menyatakan, profesi dapat diartikan mengatasi hambatan, sebagai motivator sebagai suatu pekerjaan yang yang cerdas, arif dan efektif, sebagai mempersyaratkan pendidikan tinggi bagi pengendali mutu penyelenggaraan pelakunya yang ditekankan pada pendidikan di sekolah melalui mutu pekerjaan mental bukan pekerjaan peningkatan kurikulum

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