
This study aims todetermine how much influencethe level of FDI, the level of domestic investment, and government spending on agricultural employment through agricultural output. The types of data used in this study are secondary data. Secondary datain the form of time series data from 2001to 2010 on the level of FDI, the level of domestic investment, government spending on agriculture, agricultural output, and employment in the agricultural sector in the province of South Sulawesi. The data is processed using computer software"SPSS 16.0" with multiple linear regression analysis method in twostages. The results and the estimation of data through multiple linear regression method in two stage shows that the effect of FDI and domestic investment on employment levels of the agricultural sector through the output of the agricultural sector and a significant negative effect, government expenditure on the employment by sector output agricultural positive and significant at the level confidence(α = 10%), while no significant effect on the level of domestic investment opportunities through agricultural.

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