
The hotel is a large house which is a means of lodging for consumers who are traveling long distances. The hotel is included in a business that is engaged in the property sector and is developing in the service sector that provides services, lodging, eating and drinking. As the largest Muslim community in Indonesia, these activities must be considered halal, both in terms of facilities, waiters and others because there are some service accommodations that do not pay attention to the quality of halal. So the purpose of this researcher is to find out what most influences consumers in choosing Yogyakarta sharia hotels from the three variables of facility factors, service factors, and price factors on consumer decisions in choosing Yogyakarta sharia hotels. In order to provide knowledge and benefits to the halal industry in Indonesia to be more developed and advanced. This research approach uses quantitative primary data types by using validity and reliability tests, then using the Smirnov Kolgomornov normality test, and using Coefficients T test, Summary Model Test, and multiple regression test. In the Coefficients T test, the results of this study indicate that there is no significant effect on the facilities and price variables but there is a significant influence on the service variable on consumer decisions with a value of 0.000 <0.05 or T count 5.141 which means > from the T table value of 2.055 then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. The summary model test results show that there is an influential power between X1, X2, and X3 on Y of 0.557 or 55.7%.
 Keywords: Factors, Sharia Hotel, Consumer Desires

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