
The success of cooperatives can be measured through the roles they have played for the community or the surrounding environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the internal control system, size, type, and education level of employees on the success of cooperative businesses in the city of Bogor using quantified qualitative research methods, carried out on active cooperatives registered at the Bogor City Cooperative and UKM Service, namely 456 cooperatives. with 1 cooperative only 1 administrator who became a respondent. The study used a saturated sample (census) technique, so the study population was 528 or at least 46 respondents. Data analysis used multiple linear regression with hypothesis testing through the F test and t test. The results of the study show that the internal control system, size, type and education level of employees simultaneously influence the success of cooperative businesses in the city of Bogor. Partially the internal control system, type and level of education of cooperative employees have a significant effect on the success of cooperatives in Bogor city. While the size of the cooperative has no effect on the success of the cooperative business in the city of Bogor.

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