
Part 1 Johann Moriaen - a bibliographical sketch: servant of the church - origins and upbringing under the cross mystics and utopists Wanderjahre servant of God - in a free country Moriaen and the Jews technological exchanges the godly entrepreneur an intelligence's ethos - public and private without partialities - the Irenic ideal. Part 2 Universal wisdom: panaceas of the soul - Comenius and the dream of universal knowledge origins of the Pansophic project the notion of Pansophy beyond Bacon and Alsted leave no problem unsolved -the new mathematics as a model for Pansophy the collection in the Netherlands Comenius's visits to England and the Netherlands curing creation - alchemy and spirituality ora et labora - pray and labour chemistry versus alchemy the key to creation universal medicines - Johann Rudolph Glauber and his reception in England Paraelsus of the 17th century or German Robert Boyle? heyday in the Netherlands flight into Germany last years in Amsterdam Glauber's reception in the Hartlib Circle the dawn of wisdom -Benjamin Worsley's a chemical mission to the Netherlands Moriaen and the great work the gate of things.

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