
The discovery of America, which was in itself a fateful event in European history, coincided with the crucial transformations taking place in the religious sphere. The development of printing technology, the creation of national translations of the Bible, the rethinking of the established forms of religiosity — all these innovations contributed to the creation of a special religious and religio-political climate of the era. England, which became one of the most successful colonial powers, was at the same time a country experiencing these religious transformations in an especially profound manner. Having proclaimed its ecclesiastical independence from Rome earlier than many other countries, England became a space for an intensive search for a new religious identity and a melting pot of various proto-messianic concepts. In addition, the competition of these new religious doctrines, existing in the shadow of potential and actual state-sanctioned oppression of dissidents, has created a specific environment that makes the issue of political freedom especially relevant and pertinent to the context of Christianity. Having received additional development in America and combined with an increased spread of the anti-colonial nationalist message, all these ideological streams could give a start to one of the most remarkable aspects of early American socio-political thought and identity, within which liberalism, republicanism, providentialism, messianism, and Christian religiosity are woven into a single composition. The debate about the influence of this ideological complex on the development of American identity and statehood continues to this day, sometimes leading to conflicting assessments. However, it seems that this phenomenon is, in one way or another, a remarkable factor in American history, which, to some extent, remains a relevant topic of discussion for modern America.


  • Еще до обретения колониями независимости в объединенном виде и до построения в Америке государства, заявляющего о себе на мировой арене, американский континент обращал на себя взоры различных людей

  • Having received additional development in America and combined with an increased spread of the anti-colonial nationalist message, all these ideological streams could have given a start to one of the most remarkable aspects of early American socio-political thought and identity, within which liberalism, republicanism, providentialism, messianism, and Christian religiosity are woven into a single composition. e debate about the in uence of this ideological complex on the development of American identity and nationhood continues to this day, sometimes leading to con icting assessments

  • Общая мера влияния умонастроения этих людей на судьбу страны и ее идентичности дебатируется и критически осмысляется1, однако сам по себе нарратив, сформированный этими людьми или относительно этих людей, представляется примечательным

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Еще до обретения колониями независимости в объединенном виде и до построения в Америке государства, заявляющего о себе на мировой арене, американский континент обращал на себя взоры различных людей. Having received additional development in America and combined with an increased spread of the anti-colonial nationalist message, all these ideological streams could have given a start to one of the most remarkable aspects of early American socio-political thought and identity, within which liberalism, republicanism, providentialism, messianism, and Christian religiosity are woven into a single composition.

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