
The international accelerator Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR) is the next generation accelerator complex for fundamental and applied research with antiproton and ion beams. FAIR will provide worldwide unique facilities enabling a wide spectrum of unprecedented forefront research in hadron and nuclear physics, in atomic physics and nuclear astrophysics as well as in applied sciences like materials research, plasma physics and radiation biophysics. Key features of FAIR are intense beams of antiprotons and ions up to the heaviest and even exotic nuclei covering an energy range from rest up to 30 GeV/u. We present a brief overview on the current construction status of the FAIR accelerator facilities and the associated research pillars with emphasis on PANDA . PANDA (antiProton Annihilation in Darmstadt), is the central experiment to fully exploit the physics research potential of the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) with intense, phase-space cooled, antiprotons up to 15 GeV/c impinging on a variety of fixed targets. The PANDA detector features two spectrometers, the Target Spectrometer with a SC solenoid magnet of 2 T and the Forward Spectrometer with a 2 Tm dipole magnet. In both spectrometers the PANDA collaboration employs a multitude of modern detector technologies to provide tracking, particle identification, calorimetry and muon identification, arranged hermetically close to 4π around the interaction region with additional detectors for coverage of the forward boosted particles. Focusing on the various PANDA detector systems we present an overview of recent developments, the detector construction progress and conclude with an outline for a phased deployment of PANDA at FAIR.


  • Is the generation accelerator complex for fundamental and applied research with antiproton and ion beams

  • We present a brief overview on the current construction status of the FAIR accelerator facilities and the associated research pillars with emphasis on PANDA

  • The science program is structured into four research pillars and organised in four large collaborations with several hundred members each: APPA, serving communities in Atomic, Plasma Physics and Applications; CBM, the Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment; NUSTAR, the NUclear STructure, Astrophysics and Reactions program; and PANDA, the key experiment of the hadron physics program using antiproton beams at FAIR

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FAIR complex

The future FAIR accelerators [1], the existing GSI facility [2] along with several of the planned experiment locations are shown in figure 1. In addition to the production of secondary beams, the primary beams will serve fixed target interactions experiments To drive such multitude of various experimental scenarios a complex of beam line sections the High Energy Beam Transport HEBT system [13] is planned with a total length of about 1.5 km. Since the FAIR accelerators are served by the existing accelerators of GSI, the heavy ion linac UNILAC and the heavy ion synchrotron SIS18 are being upgraded [16], for operation as injectors and boosters, concurrently to the on-going FAIR construction. The current phase throughout FAIR construction until the commissioning of the new accelerators with beam, is called FAIR phase 0, during which the existing GSI facilities will continue to provide beam times to scientific requests [17]. The upgrade to higher intensities from the SIS18 benefits the hadronic-matter experimental program of HADES (High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer) [18] which will already employ instrumentation of FAIR experiments, CBM and PANDA, in 2020 [19,20,21]

FAIR science pillars
The PANDA experiment at FAIR
PANDA calorimetry
PANDA DAQ and controls
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