
Current regulations in the field of social services do not allow meeting the requirements of the state standard in terms of pooling and allocating necessary resources objectively. The research aims to create a model of regional information system according an algorithm, which assumes developing a five-level classifier of social services, identifying typological groups of services providers, and applying an industry-average cost of homogeneous services. This model serves a basis for automated formation of norms that guarantee the quality of social service required by the standard. The research methodology rests on the theory of public goods and institutional economics. The methods include structural, normative, and comparative analysis. The data comes from statistical, accounting, and analytical reporting of the social welfare institutions of the Sverdlovsk oblast. Creation and practical implementation of the suggested model of digitalisation of the processes related to the development of normative regulatory measures permitted the authors to customise the existing method of formation of normative regulators of the services quality in line with the preferences of individual consumers; to ensure completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of substantiating the expenditures for fulfilling the state task by social welfare institutions and autonomous non-profit organisations of social service. The findings contribute to the research of the systemic effects of the product, spatial, and time customisation of the social welfare system

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