
We prove that the local version of the chain rule cannot hold for the fractional variation defined in in our previous article (2019). In the case $n = 1$, we prove a stronger result, exhibiting a function $f \in BV^{\alpha}(\mathbb{R})$ such that $\vert f \vert \notin BV^{\alpha}(\mathbb{R})$. The failure of the local chain rule is a consequence of some surprising rigidity properties for non-negative functions with bounded fractional variation which, in turn, are derived from a fractional Hardy inequality localized to half-spaces. Our approach exploits the distributional techniques developed in our previous works (2019–2022). As a byproduct, we refine the fractional Hardy inequality obtained in works of Shieh and Spector (2018) and Spector (2020) and we prove a fractional version of the closely related Meyers–Ziemer trace inequality.

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